We knew it was bound to happen, and it did. Things were going all too well for the first two weeks of us moving, and then it hit, sickness. We have found out in the short three years of being parents that sickness is inevitable, especially when traveling. What is it about new places? Is it the air, new allergens, the different beds, new exposure to people? We may never know, but what we do know is that after 10 days in a new place we are bound to have sick kids, and that is exactly what happened. Last Sunday Sophie was chewing on anything she could get her hands on, and she was a fountain of boogers. I checked in her mouth and her bottom gums looked swollen, so I just chalked it up to cutting teeth. Later that night however, she was running a 102 temp, which seemed pretty high for just cutting teeth. Nonetheless I gave her some Tylenol and sent all the kids to bed. Monday morning came and the older two were fine, but Sophie woke up with a temperature again. Throughout the day Monday her temperature came and went and she was so fussy and cranky you could tell she didn’t feel good. Fast forward to Tuesday morning and all three children woke up with temperatures higher than 101 and enough boogers between them to last a lifetime! That’s when we knew, the two-week sickness had officially hit. For the next 4 days we wiped noses, took temps, gave meds, snuggled, wiped more noses and finally by Saturday everyone seemed almost back to normal. We are still giving meds, wiping noses and enjoying snuggles, but we are so thankful that last week is over and we can hopefully move forward into next week with healthy kiddos!
With a sick household, progress on our house took a back seat. While we were not able to do much demo, we were able to finish taking out all the walls of the back porch. We saved the shiplap we found in the laundry room and plan to reuse it in our décor when the house is finished.
Grandma came for a few hours on Thursday and watch sick kids so we could take time to go and officially mark where our basement will be dug. Our excavator said that he plans to start digging our basement Tuesday, Aug 7th. We are so excited to get this basement project started! On Thursday we were marking our spot by about 9am and didn’t finish until close to noon. By the time we left, our truck said 101 and boy it felt ALL of 101, it was HOT!
While on our property we spent time figuring out exactly how we wanted the house to sit. A lot of thought went into figuring out what direction the front of the house would face, where the wrap around porch will open to and how easy the access to the basement will be from the garage we plan to build. We know we are not professional architects or contractors, but we did our best to make sure our measurements were accurate and square so that when our basement guys come to pour concrete, they are 100% sure of what we want.
We definitely ended our week better than we started! Sophie is standing up to everything now days, it is just a matter of time before she decides to take those first steps. Drey is thankful for a blow-up pool with cool water on these hot 105-degree days. And we are thankful to everyone who has helped us get this far and we thank you all in advance for being with us through this journey!