There is an incredible amount of truth to the statement that days can be long, but the weeks and years go by fast. We have learned so much over the past few months about how time can fly while also seeming to crawl. Things are really ramping up at our house, and also in our everyday lives, here’s everything we have been up to!
Exterior Remodel
Since the beginning of our journey we have focused all our energy on our interior renovation. All demo and reconstruction has taken place inside, until now. Starting in mid-June we were able to begin transforming the exterior of our home. We have looked forward to this from day one and getting to finally see some changes take life on the exterior is AMAZING!
Last time I wrote we were in the beginning stages of our porch construction. As the weeks have gone along, our porch has taken shape and is hands down one of the best things we decided to add to our home. The new porch seems to marry the house to the land around it. It took our home from looking like a monument in the middle of nowhere, to an actual country house that belongs in its surroundings.
Floor joists are in, roof is being constructed June 28th, 2023June 28th, 2023Porch roof almost fully done on the north side June 28th, 2023Roof done and ready for plywood, floor starting to be installed July 7th, 2023Plywood is on the roof, now our entire west and north sides of the house are protected by our porch! August 5th, 2023
As we started the exterior renovation process, we began by removing all of the old siding materials. We hired Kape Roofing out of Salina Kansas to replace our roof back in June of 2022. They did a good job and we decided to have them come back to install our new siding. We were told that we could leave the old siding on and have them re-side on top of the old stuff, or, we could remove all the old siding and put new siding directly on the original sheathing. We chose to remove all the old siding, feeling that starting with a clean slate would be best. This process was lengthy and incredibly labor intensive, both of which were magnified by the summer heat. The entire 4 weeks we worked on prepping for new siding, temperatures averaged in the triple digits. Our days consisted of long hours on top of our porch roof, on ladders, shoveling siding shingles into a dump truck, being raised and lowered to every peak of our house, and drinking LOTS of water.
North side of house above the porch roof before any siding removal July 23rd, 2023Taking siding off in relatively “nice” weather for late July, temperature this day reached the low 90s July 25th, 2023The west side of the house, both of these windows look into our girls’ room July 22nd, 2023Finished removing all siding on the west side of the house in just 24 hours July 23rd, 2023My best friend from when we were both knee high to a grasshopper helped me remove siding at the very highest point of our home on a day that reach 106 degrees, talk about friendship! Thanks Allison Johnson for supporting and joining our craziness. August 2nd, 2023Every one of these photos was taken when the temperature was 103 degrees+, to say this process was exhausting is just the beginning!We kept hoping for things to start looking better, but as we kept going it just kept looking worse. It really is true that sometimes things need to get worse in order to get better. July 31st, 2023
As siding was being removed, we were taking notes and making improvements to different areas of concern we were uncovering. There were multiple places where water damage had caused major issues, and multiple window openings that were no longer square and plumb that we had to correct and even out.
These beautiful windows in our staircase have had issues from the beginning. In the top photo you can see the arrow pointing to the bottom sill of the window. This has had a sag in the right side since we took ownership. In order to get to the root of the problem we had to take apart the entire window to cut out the rot, remake some jamb pieces for the windows and square up the bottom so our new windows will sit plumb. You can also see from the bottom photo that there was extensive rot happening to some of the siding trim and around all the windows on this side of the home. This up close photo really shows the poor condition of the bottom of this window unit. Photo taken August 2nd, 2023We are incredibly blessed to have the help of Elite Construction during our renovation. Not only is Brennen and his crew knowledgeable and efficient, he happens to be the husband of my good friend Allison Johnson, making the bond we are creating over this house that much more special. It is also always nice to have my dad Ron, seen in the right two photos, helping us with our projects. Photos taken August 2nd, 2023Truly must get worse before it gets better Photo taken August 2nd, 2023We took the windows and jambs completely out of the bay windows on the south side of the house to get things squared back up and to also prep for putting house wrap around that side of the home. Photo taken August 2nd, 2023The roof on top of the bay windows is where we saw multiple squirrels coming in and out back before we moved our house to its current location. Every time it rains we get water in our house just under this roof line. After getting up and accessing the condition of materials up there, it was necessary to completely replace the entire structure of the roof. Photos taken June 30th, 2023
After repairs were done our home was ready for house wrap. House wrap goes on to provide multiple benefits, including additional weather protection and insulation. It was even more pressing for us to get our home wrapped in a timely manner because at the time we took siding off, we got bad news from Kape Roofing, our siding company, stating that our original start date for getting new siding was being pushed back due to product delays. This issue was exemplified by the threat of rainy weather. Since all siding was off our home, rain meant we were completely exposed on the interior to water and moisture if the rain where to come before we could get wrap on the house. Luckily, we were able to work along side Elite Construction and get our home wrapped in a matter of days.
Started wrapping our home about 4:00pm, on the south side, when it was roughly 106 degrees outside…not ideal. But we had to do what we had to do. August 2nd, 2023A few hours later and this is what we had. Nothing was cut or secured in a finished manner, but our main goal that day was to make sure the wrap would shed water if it indeed rained later that night. We planned to come back in a few days and properly secure and finish the wrap process. Photo taken August 2nd, 2023After the threat of storms passed, we were able to get back up and finish the process of properly securing the wrap. The finished product is shown here. We are officially ready for new siding! Photo taken August 24th, 2023This is the east side of our home, completely wrapped and ready for windows to be cut out and then siding can go on! Photo taken August 5th108 degrees and here we are, on the porch roof, wrapping the west side of our house. Is it dedication or stupidity? Photo taken August 2nd, 2023
While some of those issues were being addressed, I was simultaneously beginning the process of painting all the exterior trim. To say I underestimated the amount of time and labor this would take is selling it short. My whole process of reviving the original trim consisted of scraping and scratching off any old paint that was loose and flaky on each and every piece of trim. After that I smoothed it out with a wire brush. I then began by applying a really good coat of exterior primer. After everything had primer, I then applied a thin coat of our final exterior paint. Once the first coat of final exterior paint was on I then applied caulking to each and every nook and cranny that was showing a gap around the entire home. This step was important since we did not replace any trim, everything was kept original, there were spots that had some weathering and age making them bend and bow. The caulking provided a water tight seal to those areas so that further deterioration can be slowed/stopped. After hours, and hours, and hours, and a few more hours of caulking, we were finally ready for the second and final coat of our exterior paint. All in all, we began our exterior demo and reconstruction on July 22nd and were finished and ready for new siding on August 28th.
I joked with Eddie that I sure would get more done if I stopped painting myself so much and started painting the trim more! Right photos are the west peak of our home, bottom photo shows trim with one coat of primer. Photos taken July 24thEntire second floor exterior trim has primer and first coat of exterior paint. Next is caulking and then a final coat of paint Photo taken August 5th, 2023We were able to set up scaffolding on the porch roof so I could better access the trim on the north side of our house. This side too has primer and a first coat of exterior paint. Photo taken August 5th, 2023On my lift at the tippy top of the south peak of our house. Photo taken August 5th, 2023We are restoring all of the original first floor windows, part of that process is to paint the exterior window trim. Starting to look so clean and fresh! Photo taken July 27th, 2023Our front entry was a fun transformation. Crazy what a fresh coat of paint and new screen door can do for some curb appeal! Side note, the screen door was a custom-made piece by my dad Ron, we used leftover exterior trim pieces to create a beautiful new door. Photo taken August 29th, 2023Speaking of trim, these were pieces that we removed when taking down siding. I was able to give them a coat of primer and exterior paint before we put them back on the home.Any guesses how many tubes of caulking I went through on our whole house? Correct answer is 12…CRAZY Photo taken August 12th, 2023
Other progress
During the time we were doing all the prep work to our exterior, we also had other major progress happening at the homesite. Our electrical panel on the interior of the house was set, providing us with power and lighting inside the house, both of which we have NEVER had before. Our water well and septic tank were both dug and hooked up. As well as having a brand new driveway and concrete pad for our garage poured.
Hayden Howard of Double H Heating & Cooling digging a trench from our electrical poles to the house. Our main line is buried in that trench and now supplies the house with power! Photo taken July 25th, 2023Our driveway being poured and paved Photos taken August 8th – 10th, 2023Having our well hooked up and trenched to a new hydrant was such an amazing experience! We waited 10 months from when our well was dug to when it was hooked up and operational. It took a while but was SO worth the wait! Photos taken August 1st – 2nd, 2023Water and septic hookups going and coming from the house Photos taken August 2nd, 2023We have water!!! Photo taken August 10th, 2023After the well was hooked up, our septic system was next. The hole for the tank and the trenches for the lateral lines were all dug to the east of our home. The crew from Krueger Backhoe was incredible, they were efficient, courteous, and overall amazing to work with! Photos taken August 8th, 2023We were unsure of when we would be able to actually start construction on our garage. But thanks to the help of family friends we had our garage floor poured and it is now ready for framing! This photo is the night before concrete was scheduled to arrive. Photo taken August 24th, 2023Such a fun day, concrete got poured and we now have a garage floor! August 25th, 2023I (Julie) was the only member of our family available the day concrete got poured. We would have loved to put all our handprints into the concrete, but being able to sign our name was just as good! August 25th, 2023
Interior Happenings
As we worked long hours on the exterior, we still had projects needing completed on the interior. Our siding contractor and his crew were scheduled to arrive August 28th, and after calling and talking with our drywall contractor, he too wanted to bring his crew to start hanging drywall on August 28th. We never want to push back start dates for anyone doing work to our home, we know full well the labor shortage and to push back work usually means delays and long wait times to get things actually done. So when we were met with the challenge of having siding and drywall guys arriving on the exact same day, we did what we always do with our project, we said BRING IT ON.
The list of things to do before we could hang sheetrock in the house was almost as long as the list of exterior things needing completed. Luckily, we were able to enlist the help of multiple people that worked both inside and outside with us. Our friends Brennan and Chad from Elite Construction tackled a lot of the exterior work, while our niece Emalie was hired to help with interior work. We are so grateful for friends and family that step up when we need them, we would not be able to do what we do without them.
In order for sheetrock to lay correctly, we had to install the old attic door in its new place. This project was special because we were able to use the old door and jamb but in a new spot. I was also lucky to have help from my niece Tenley when I laid the flooring in our bedroom nook. We had a fun day together and were able to sign our names into history on a 118+yr old piece of wood that we turned into flooring. Photos taken August 11th, 2023On the subject of installing doors, before sheetrock could be hung we also needed to install the back door. This was not an origianl door to our house, but was a door my parents had and we were happy to be able to use it in our home. Photos taken August 15th, 2023 Before we could install the back door, we sanded it, stained it, and put multiple coats of protectant sealer on it. Looks stunning!Next up was insulation, insulation, and more insulation. Getting our ENTIRE house insulated was quite a task, not to mention we were doing it while the temperatures soared into the 100+ degree range. We started hanging insulation on August 17th and finished on August 24th.We weren’t able to insulation the entire ceiling of the first floor, but as you can see here we did insulate around our plumbing pipes that run through the ceiling joists. Photos taken August 24th, 2023Before and After of our girls’ room without and with insulationOverall the insulation process was hot, long, itchy and VERY rewarding. We were so excited to be at the insulation phase, it meant we were one step closer to drywall and finishes!
Walls and Siding
Having drywall and siding show up on the same day really makes for an interesting dynamic leading up to that day. We were working long days and into the nights to make sure we were prepared for each contractor and their respective jobs. Our drywall order was delivered the Friday before they were scheduled to begin, so we got to feel the excitement of new things starting with that delivery.
Every piece of sheetrock needed for the second story was hoisted through the girls window on the west side of the house. This was incredible and nerve wracking to watch! Photo taken August 25th, 2023
When Monday August 28th rolled around, we awoke with so much excitement and anticipation. But, as things typically go with any home renovation project, not everyone showed up as expected. When we arrived at the house around 6:30am we were pleased to see that drywall was already being hung on the walls. The installers worked in a way that was incredible to watch. So much efficiency and skill in the art of hanging drywall. Within 48 hours of the first piece of drywall going up, the last piece of drywall was being hung. In total, 7800sq ft of drywall was hung in roughly 30hrs of work time.
The drywall crew went to lunch about 11:30am after working all morning and we went in to spy on the progress. Seeing walls up already was an overwhelming feeling! So much emotion in just this one simple process. Photo taken August 28th, 2023Drey’s room upstairs being sheet rocked on day 2 Photo taken August 29th, 2023The girls’ room upstairs being hung as well Photo taken August 29th, 2023After sheetrock was hung, next came the mudding. This task was also completed very fast and once they were done, we were overwhelmed yet again with the emotion of having a house ready for paint! Photo taken September 5th, 2023Our master bedroom upstairs after having sheetrock hung and mudded Photo taken September 5th, 2023The half-moon window in the staircase here is where we will be installing the stained glass piece we are having commissioned from our local artist. Photo taken September 5th, 2023The view from our front door. This backwall will be kitchen cabinets, stove, fridge, freezer and beverage center. Can’t you smell the fresh chocolate chip cookies already?? Photo taken September 5th, 2023This is the view from our kitchen looking at the front door. The three windows in this photo are being restored and will be re-installed after we paint the entire downstairs. Photo taken September 5th, 2023This was the day mudding had been completed and our home was officially ready for interior paint and other projects. Our emotions were all over, we were so excited and feeling extremely grateful to be at this phase. Photo taken September 5th, 2023
Monday, August 28th, we waited until about 10am and still hadn’t heard from our siding contractor. Once called, we learned they would not in fact be out that day, but rather the following day. We had to hang on to our excitement for siding at least one more day. After multiple other delays and issues, we did end up getting some siding hung that week and to see our house finally get siding was an AMAZING feeling!
Even though no one came to install on the 28th, materials were still delivered, and we were able to get our first look at the actual siding color and product quality.This was the very first corner of the house where siding was installed. Photo was taken about 12:00pm, we were thrilled to finally have siding going on our home! Photo taken August 30th, 2023This was the evening after the very first day of siding being installed. We took the kids to see the progress and they were loving the green color. Photo taken August 30th, 2023Day 2 progress under the porch. Photo taken August 31st, 2023More of the porch getting completed. Photo taken September 2nd, 2023South side of the house really starting to look amazing! Photo taken September 5th, 2023East side of the house about half done. Photo taken September 5th, 2023East side of the house about 2/3 done, getting so close now! Photo taken September 10th, 2023This is how the house currently stands. We still do not have the entire home sided. We are having issues with the siding company that we are trying to work out. Hoping to have the entire home sided soon! Photo taken September 10th, 2023
Odds and Ins from the Inside Out and Outside In
Our kids’ Grandpa Ron made our mailbox post, and we were able to set it and get our mailbox up just before the 4th of July. We love the wagon wheel design, as well as the sentiment of knowing that Grandpas hands made it for us. Photo taken July 1st, 2023We came up with a creative way to test paint samples for our kitchen cabinets. Each of these color samples had been chosen from a pallet of colors we liked. From here we were able to narrow our choices and decide on a final cabinet color. Photo taken August 15th, 2023As we got sheetrock hung and begin painting interior walls, we have brought all the original trim back into the home. We will begin cleaning it and reinstalling it once painting is complete. Photo taken September 4th, 2023Our stained-glass artist is AMAZING! She is nearly done with our piece, and we are just awaiting the day we get to install it into our home!Different rehab projects we have going on are tile restoration, window restoration, and bringing the original kitchen sink back to life. Each of these projects will allow us to keep original pieces from the home in the home once they are restored.Our niece Emalie has been the BEST help. She applied Drylok paint onto each wall of our basement. This paint is a specific waterproofing paint designed for foundation walls. We are hoping it will be a preventive measure to help keep moisture out of the basement forever.Once sheetrock was finished, we immediately started prepping for paint and as soon as we were prepped it was go time for painting!We are restoring all first floor windows, but every second story window we are replacing. Each window is an exact replica of the original, and we are so happy with how they turned out! Photo taken September 18th, 2023The same company we got windows from also installed our new patio door. We are COMPLETELY IN LOVE!! Photo taken September 19th, 2023In our stairwell we are not touching the original banister, however we are sanding down and refinishing all the treads and risers of the stairs. This is a current on-going project. We cannot wait to see them after we shine them up! Photos taken September 23rd, 2023The original front door to our home needed intense TLC. After countless hours of stripping, sanding, restoring, replacing pieces, staining, and varnishing we were finally able to reinstall it in the front entry way. It is the most beautiful door we have ever seen! We are grateful to all the people that helped us save this piece of history.Photo on the left is from May of 2022 when we first took ownership of the home. Photo on the right is after reinstalling on September 19th, 2023
Family, Fun and Everything In Between
Life is never dull around the Flores house. Between reno, 3 toddlers and getting acclimated to a still relatively new community, our days are filled with so much fun!
We took our annual trip to see family in California during the month of July. We has a BLAST doing all sorts of fun things and getting to hang out with family. California Trip 2023, Grover BeachPlayland in Fresno, CA 2023California Trip 2023Summertime is the best on the farm, we have fresh veggies and meat from the source for almost every meal!Our two oldest both started school on August 22nd, 2023. Lily started 4yr Preschool Drey started 3yr PreschoolFall Festival and Homecoming were both big events for us. The kids enjoy the parades and we were so happy to watch our niece, the kids cousin, Kylie be on the Homecoming court.Kansas State Fair 2023 was a success, even if Lily doesn’t look pleased! September 10th, 2023September 12th, 2023 is a day we will never forget. God was watching over us as we were hit from behind, totaling our vehicle. We were lucky to escape with minimal injuries to us adults and no injuries to our kids. God is so good!Most of our days now are filled with time spent together at the house. Our kids are getting more used to hanging out there while we work to keep progress moving forward.
It’s amazing what you guys have accomplished. The home is looking so good and I know when you are finished it will be beautiful.
I’ve been following on Instagram, but so happy to have all of these details and extra pictures. So excited for your journey!!! It is really coming right along and WOW, that front door what an undercover gem.
Love the progress,looking forward to the progress report!!
Your story makes me so happy! You are creating a home for your precious family to live life at it’s best; a home to find comfort and rest.
It’s so great to see the progress you’ve made! I hope you can get the siding done soon and that the rest of the interior completion will move quickly.
I’m in awe of you guys and all the hard work ya’ll have put into this house. I come here periodically to see the progress and it is amazing. I can barely hang a light bulb so your talent is inspiring. This last post shows just how beautiful your house is going to be and it looks like ya’ll are really getting close to the end! It is stunning. Can’t wait to see it finished. Keep up the good work.
6 responses to “Inside Out”
It’s amazing what you guys have accomplished. The home is looking so good and I know when you are finished it will be beautiful.
I’ve been following on Instagram, but so happy to have all of these details and extra pictures. So excited for your journey!!! It is really coming right along and WOW, that front door what an undercover gem.
Love the progress,looking forward to the progress report!!
Your story makes me so happy! You are creating a home for your precious family to live life at it’s best; a home to find comfort and rest.
It’s so great to see the progress you’ve made! I hope you can get the siding done soon and that the rest of the interior completion will move quickly.
I’m in awe of you guys and all the hard work ya’ll have put into this house. I come here periodically to see the progress and it is amazing. I can barely hang a light bulb so your talent is inspiring. This last post shows just how beautiful your house is going to be and it looks like ya’ll are really getting close to the end! It is stunning. Can’t wait to see it finished. Keep up the good work.